International Collaborators
AIS (Association of International Schools) is the largest organization worldwide and has large number of student’s networks. We have networks all over Europe by being active in numerous academic cities and European countries. Our goal is to create possibilities to make studying abroad easier for students and also help students and education community to develop leadership skills and gain practical experiences worldwide.
What is the role of an AIS International Collaborator?
- Act as a liaison for and educate students on the benefits of AIS membership and make them an member of AIS
- Be an active member of the AIS Connect global community, online
- Support with the dissemination of all communications and messages from AIS to students community
- Encourage students to sign up for their free AIS Connect access
- The very first thing that students need is good information. AIS can help to integrate in local community by participating in different activities.
- Student members can get information about their initial needs like accommodations, Residence card, Transportation card etc. And organizing activities in Europe like study trips, volunteering programs, student’s meets and educational conferences. These all information will only provide through mails and phone calls.
- Next to studying in another country, another possibility is joining a board. Working together with students from all over Europe gives you the possibility to develop or strengthen your social-, leadership-, (project) organizing-, finance or marketing skills. These skills are very valuable for your future career.
- Joining an international Association also broadens your interpersonal world. Not only by taking many of the possibilities that they offer you, but also through the experiences that come along with it. Think about new friendships from all around Europe you build up, or how learning more about specific cultures in Europe brings forth more respect and appreciation among each other.
- Discount on attendance at our conferences, whether the educators or leadership conference, or our many specialist conferences.
- Free use of AIS Connect, our community engagement portal, where you can join or create a special interest group.
- Scholarships for Students: International students can search our extensive database of scholarships, fellowships and grants organized and maintained by AIS.
- Submit free application for International Call for Papers.
- All AIS Network members are subscribed to the Interactive, AIS weekly email newsletter that provides timely information on global news and trends within the higher education community.
- Members are encouraged to utilize this platform by submitting announcements to the newsletter, free submission of articles and engaging with the AIS Network community.
International Student’s membership costs just
€50 for one year.
You can choose to pay now using your debit or credit card or PayPal.
- Discounts on our Annual Conference which attracts over 2,500 international delegates every year plus reduced rates for a wide range of additional events, seminars and conferences around the world.
- All AIS Network members are subscribed to the Interactive, AIS weekly email newsletter that provides timely information on global news and trends within the higher education community.
- To pursue a ‘Certificate of Membership’ that details your collaboration as an AIS International collaborator, to demonstrate your commitment to professional growth within the international education community.
- Event Discounts and priority spaces at our upcoming conferences. Discounts are also offered on advertising and sponsorship.
- Advertising and marketing opportunities such as webinars, dedicated email campaigns to our membership, advertisements in our digital & print publications and advertorials in Global Insights.
International Collaborators membership costs just
€30 for one year.
You can choose to pay now using your debit or credit card or PayPal.